£160 (over 20s Only)
42 hours
130 miles*
130 mile self guided race
Friday 16th August 2024 @ 22:00
The Steeplechase

Race entries are now available via Klarna, allowing you to pay in three equal installments, or to defer the payment date. The Klarna option will appear during the check out process.

Navigate your way to "12 Steeples" in Surrey.
This is a self supported, self navigation, map reading, compass bearing, gps device holding 130mile-ish race.
Each runner is issued with 12 envelopes, each envelope contains the name of the Steeple the runner must navigate to before returning to HQ to pick up the next envelope. These envelopes will be issued in a random order, with the steeples set at different distances. It's up to you to organise your kit for that distance & to prepare yourself with enough food & water. If we have to intervene & come out to issue you with supplies, it's race over.
Once you've arrived at the Steeple, you will have to locate the CTE package & record your visit, making sure you bring your evidence back with you.
Once back at HQ, you'll be issued with your next envelope, you then make your plans, stock up your pack & head back out again.
The first runner to record all 12 Steeples & get back to HQ wins.
Distance- 130miles if your Nav is good. Extra Extra Bonus miles if not.
10pm Start with a 42hr Cut off for all entrants. You must be back at HQ by 4pm on the Sunday for a finish.
All runners will be issued with a tracking device.

Aid Stations
There will be water along with any specific foodstuffs or drinks/energy powders you bring with you.
We are a cupless event so please ensure you have a collapsible or plastic/enamel mug for any drinks you want at the checkpoints.
Aid Station & Head Quarters
Mandatory Kit
• Primary and secondary head torches or other light sources with sufficient spare battery packs/batteries.
• Mobile/smart phone with OS Locate installed. A free download from your app store here.
• Silver foil/survival blanket or survival bag
• Waterproof jacket (Taped seams preferable)
• Hydration bladder or bottles capable of carrying at least 1lt of fluids
• Most importantly of all, a Canary. No Canary, no run. (A fine is payable towards our charity if you wish to race without one)

It was the idea of our Co_Founder, Mark Thornberry. It’s a bit of fun that makes our races a little different. Your canary can be as simple as a printed picture of Tweety-Pie pinned to your race pack, or a giant inflatable. They all count. If you choose not to and incur a fine - it all goes to the Kings College Hospital Liver Cancer Charity in Mark’s memory.
Why Carry a Canary?

Registration & Kit Check
Deferrals & Refunds
Registration for the runners will be available at the village hall on Friday 16th August from 5pm until 9.30pm. Please bring all mandatory kit when registering.
Please note, ALL MANDATORY KIT is to carried at all times through the race. Failure to do so will result in a DQ. Random kit checks will take place during the race.
Refunds of 50% of the race fee available up to 16th July 2024, No refund will be available after that date.
All race entries are non transferable & no deferrals are offered unless covered by our female athletes policy here
To register for this you must confirm that you agree to the Race Waiver.
Runners must complete the course in the allotted time. There is a limit of 42 hours for this race. Any runners needing assistance during the race will be removed from the competition.
Race Rules
Any protests to a ruling or of a runner to runner violation must be submitted by a registered entrant and must be lodged using the following procedure:
1. Report the alleged violation to the runner, his/her crew or pacer as the incident occurs. Enlist a fellow witness to the alleged violation if possible.
2. Report the alleged violation with the runner’s name and number to the next available aid station staff.
3. Report the alleged violation in writing at the finish line to the race director. All protests must be submitted within seven days following the race. Written protests must include the name of the person who lodged the complaint.
4. Decision on all violations and rules is at the final discretion of the Race Management ONLY. There will be no challenges after that decision.
Our race routes are used by, but not limited to, horse riders, walkers and mountain bikers. Please be aware of other people whilst you are running and be as polite and courteous as possible to them, making way when necessary, particularly to horses. We do not have priority over any other users out on the course, most will be unaware of the event taking place. All gates must be properly closed after you have gone through.
Refusal to comply with an order from the race directors, race staff, doctors or rescue personnel.
Runners must at all times comply with any instruction given by race management, staff and volunteers.
Being crewed on a no-crew race.
Runners must not be crewed in any way at races listed as no crew permitted. Crewing is deemed as any physical assistance of any kind.
Accompanied by dog/dogs
Runners are not to be accompanied by dogs at any time whilst on course.
Refusal to have mandatory equipment checked
There will be mandatory kit checks at the start, random checks during the race and at the finish. Failure to comply with the kit checks will result in disqualification.
Minimum of 1 hour penalty per missing item
Missing Item of Mandatory Kit
Mandatory kit must be carried by the runner at all times.
Pacers accompanying before the final lap/ not on foot/ more than one pacer
Pacers are only allowed on the final lap of the Copthorne Races or from Checkpoint 3 on the Winterfold 55. No pacers are permitted on any other of our races. No more than one pacer can accompany a runner at any time. Pacers may accompany runners on foot only. Pacers are not allowed to “mule” for their runner.
Crew/Pacers who are found to be complicit in breaking rules and/or assisting runner in breaking rules.
Runners are responsible for the actions of their crews and pacers. If your crew or pacer are deemed to have broken any of the runner race rules the runner will be held accountable. Your crew act on YOUR behalf and based on YOUR instructions.
DQ and ban at race directors discretion
Not informing organisers of withdrawal from event
Any runner who is unable to finish the race must personally inform the aid station captain of the nearest checkpoint of their decision to withdraw. They must hand in their race number at that time to the CP Captain. This serves as official notice of a runner’s withdrawal from the race. Runners who leave the course without turning in their number or informing a Checkpoint or HQ will be classified as “lost,” which may initiate Search and Rescue, for which the runner will be charged.
DQ and Lifetime Ban.
Littering by competitor or crew
Littering of any kind will result in immediate disqualification. Runners caught littering will be banned from all future events. Please respect the beauty of our trails and leave nothing behind but footprints.
DQ and Lifetime Ban.
Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel.
Injection of PEDs or Fluids/ IVs by non-official race medical personnel.
Continuing/ leaving aid station after cut off.
Cut-off times will be strictly enforced. There are cut offs at EVERY aid station. Runners leaving any aid station after the cut off will not be listed as official finishers and will not be eligible for awards.
At the RD's Discretion.
Check In at All Aid Stations.
Each runner must attend or pass through all aid stations. You will be disqualified if your time is not registered at every aid station.
DQ and Lifetime Ban.
Receiving powered assistance from a vehicle, bike, horse, or short rope from pacer.
Runners must complete the entire course under their own power.
At the RD's Discretion.
Knowingly taking a short cut.
Runners must follow the marked trail/ course at all times.
One Hour Penalty.
Bib number not visible on front.
Bib numbers must be worn on the front of the body and be easily visible at all times.
Lifetime Ban at RD discretion.
Unofficial Runners/ Running without a registration or Running under another name.
No unofficial runners.
All rules are at the final discretion of the race director and race management team.
No challenges will be permitted.
Mandatory kit: Runners must carry the following mandatory equipment at all times. A time penalty of one hour will be imposed for any item found to be missing at any point on course.
Fully Charged Mobile Phone including the numbers for the Race Medic and Race Director (on the number you have given at registration)
OS locate installed on your phone.
Water Bottles/Bladder capable of carrying a minimum of 1 litre.
Survival Blanket: 1.4m x 2m minimum.
Waterproof Jacket: Gore-tex or similar & must have taped seams.
Headtorch or Primary Light Source Minimum 75 lumens
Back Up Light source - Minimum 25 Lumens
Long sleeved base layer or fleece top - This must be carried separately from the start and kept dry, for use only in an emergency. Starting in 2 layers is not a substitute.
Our races are cupless so you must bring a cup with you to take a drink from the aid stations/checkpoints. Soft/collapsible cups are permitted.
Recommended but not mandatory:
OS Explorer 146 Active Map - Should be a hard copy that you are able to navigate from and not a map on your phone.
Compass - This should be a separate physical compass and not electronic/ on your phone.